import java.util.*;
public class ServerSemplice {
    PrintWriter[] clienti=new PrintWriter[20]; Public class
ElaboraCliente implements Runnable {BufferedReader reader
= null;
Socket sock = null;
/ / create the input stream
& # 160; public ElaboraCliente (Socket c) {
            lettore=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream()));            }catch(Exception ex){                 ex.printStackTrace();             }         }         @ Override public void run () {& # 160; String message; ;
try {while ( (message = lettore.readLine ())!= null) { String ind indirizzo.toString = ();& # 160; String m = ind + "" + message;
& # 160; talkative (m) &# 160;} &
# 160; }catch(Exception ex){                 ex.printStackTrace();
    public void go () {try {
/ / door listening
ServerSocket door = new ServerSocket (4242);
int i = 0;
while (true) {
/ / create the connection with the customer who knocked on the door
Socket portone.accept door = ();
/ / create the stream to write messages to the client
& # 160; PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter (portina. getOutputStream ());
/ / Save this stream into an array of output
; customers [i] = writer;
& # 160; i + +;
& # 160; //........
& # 160 / / create an input stream for that client and I start to receive your messages
/ / send the received message to all clients
& # 160; Thread t=new Thread(new ElaboraCliente(portina));
        }catch(Exception ex) {ex
. printStackTrace ();}
} & # 160; public void talker (String message) {
for (int i = 0; i \u0026lt;20; i + +) {
; if (customers [i]! = null) {
& # 160; try {
& # 160; customers [i]. println (message);
customers [i]. flush ();
System.out.println("Ho spedito il messaggio");
            }catch(Exception ex){
    public static void main(String args[]){
        ServerSemplice s=new ServerSemplice();
import java.awt .*;
import javax.swing .*;
import java.awt.event .*;
import *;
import .*;
import java. util .*;
public class Client {BufferedReader reader;
Socket sock;
PrintWriter writer;
JTextField t1;
JTextArea a1;
& # 160; JScrollPane ScrollPane;
public void window () {
JFrame f1 = new JFrame (" simple chat ");
f1.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
& # 160; JPanel p1 = new JPanel ();
a1 = new JTextArea (20,50);
t1 = new JTextField (200);
JButton b1 = new JButton ("invia il messaggio"); ;
p1.setLayout (new GridLayout (3,1));
& # 160; scrollPane = new JScrollPane (a1);
p1.add scrollPane ("BorderLayout . CENTER);
      b1.addActionListener(new InviaMessaggio());      f1.add(p1);
      f1.setSize(500,500);       f1.setVisible(true);
      Thread tt=new Thread(new InarrivoDalServer ());
creaCollegamento ();
; tt.start ();}
public void creaCollegamento () {try {
& # 160; sock = new Socket ("", 4242);
lettore = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (sock.getInputStream ()));
writer = new PrintWriter (sock.getOutputStream ());
System.out.println ("Connection established") ;
} catch (Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace
} & # 160; implements ActionListener {public class InviaMessaggio
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) { Try {
& # 160; scrittore.write (t1.getText ());
scrittore.println (t1.getText ());
& # 160; scrittore.flush () / / reset the content so as not to send the same message
} catch (Exception ex) {&
# 160; ex.printStackTrace ();
t1.setText} ( "");
}} public class InarrivoDalServer implements Runnable {
; public void run () {# &
160; String message;
try {
; while ((message = lettore.readLine ())!= null) {
a1.append (message + "\\ n");
& # 160; System.out.println ("read the message:" + message);
;} catch (Exception ex) {&
# 160; ex.printStackTrace();
      public static void main(String args[]){
          Client cc=new Client();
          cc.finestra ();}
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