Hi everyone!
is the first post-workout nos against group!
To break through the inertia M has been arianovella with a training camp to the bone.
Here's what he wrote:
"A llena in forest Livata that I'm doing tomorrow morning or afternoon, I still have to decide.
For you, that you should be specifically, it is a little too short, is 5 kilometers altitude calculated. I do it because it is very specific about the direction and the only major land forms.
What counts for me in this workout, is not the point, how much attention to keep it on during some important elements.
cmq You can think of when you want it, and maybe associate another round in the woods. Know that you can train to Livata where you want, except Jenne funds to be used for the race in October.
are points in the Middle Final. in correspondence of the posts are 30 cm high, used to control points, we have not taken off, just to be safe and to make future Gainer institutions. it may happen that in some places there are more, but in general Livata so everything is always c Hiara.
So all good! "
At this point, good training at all ... even to those outside the group!;)
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