Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Dog Is Pooping Blood Alot

Inner silence

I would like to talk about one of the best ways to increase personal energy: the inner silence.
Toltec shamans have taught us that all of us are born with a heightened awareness and bright, and of infinite potential, but growing up, our brilliance is affected by external entities, the Voladores. Castaneda describes them as shadows of mud, surviving by eating of our energy. How do they do? Simply "eat" our thoughts and to do so, lead us to think incessantly. Their favorite food is negative thinking, probably because instead of going to strengthen our cocoon of energy, it breaks so easily penetrable. The Voladores
gave us their mind, a mind that is twisted and always ready to autogiudicarsi, this is what the shamans call the foreign installation. In this spirit, we are victims of a parassitaggio continuously since childhood.
Thinking outside in most cases, it becomes obsessive, and brings the victim to talk to herself constantly judging themselves with phrases, or questions like I'ma failure, I'm not worth anything, I will not ever be a good, now what should I do of my life? nobody understands me, I suck .. etc etc..
None of this is real. Understand it is not a simple thing, yet none of us is merely the result of his personal opinions.
This attitude, opaque covering our energy and our true essence. As
us allow this, we are certainly able to do an end, unless you decide to continue to be the worst enemies of ourselves.
When the inner dialogue stops we realize also that it is pointless.
Personally I learned how to isolate this kind of thinking as soon as he appears and replace it with something else that I decide personally. The ideal would be to silence the mind, at all, but requires a lot of discipline.
practicing every day the process becomes easier until we can get rid of everything from slavery.
The results of the practice of inner silence are magnificent, and range from physical to mental health. This is a vital step to regain our energy, and that is what the common man transforms into a warrior. Of course, also applies to women.
Spiritual energy is the basis of any esoteric practice, so anyone who is really interested in this route must have, above all, the ability to silence your internal dialogue.


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