Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Letters Welcoming Someone To A Church

orgone energy

Try to set a point in the sky on a sunny day, after a while you will probably appear of little dots bianchi.Non is a reflection, not even your eyes are malfunctioning, it is orgone energy. After a while you feel blind and thus able to observe only a few seconds, it is normal if you are not abituati.Gli billion names men have invented to define it, prana, chi, ether and so on and so forth, but most of us do not understand what tratta.Se to be honest I do not really know even what it is, but based on my reading and especially thanks to my terrific eye, I can draw some conclusions.
E 'needed a' particular inclination of the light for me to realize it, however, I noticed that people around (and probably around every living thing), this form of energy undergoes a slight change, the shining spheres which form the become a little older and rotate counter-clockwise, forming a small vortice.Da here I assumed that the orgone, which penetrates the space everywhere, to create the famous spiral, a form that characterizes some shells, hurricanes, galaxies and so obviously via.Ed our body suffers the flu. Men like Tesla, Reich, whom I admire deeply (although I fear that over the past year Tesla technology is used so all 'anything but peaceful), they discovered many of its qualities, and as everyone knows, their work was kept secret in Tesla's case, and written down in a completely unjustified, as in the case of Reich.Perchè?
The implications are deep and dark. Their findings would have been able to unite science and spirituality, and this obviously would not have agreed to our modern nor lights nor the religious authorities because, in my opinion, are united by a single goal, that let us remain ignorant and tranquilli.Un man who knows more than he needs to know can be dangerous, a loose cannon in the system.
The reality I think is even more convoluted and complex.
To see and to know certain things, for example, see and be able to make use of orgone energy, you're forced to "open" one of our main energy points, the one between the eyebrows, and it happened there, what you touch while Make the sign of the cross: the sixth chakra.
Allowing this energy to vibrate at a frequency higher than the mean, mean to have a broader vision and clear of everything, even the falseness of the world in which we live.
What I sincerely hope that one day all it can, and is the main reason why I'm writing.
How it works?
It's not that complicated, and it is not necessary to believe to see, of course it's not even useful to try something where there is so determined not to believe, the real secret is not to expect anything, do it calmly and without fretta.Nel post titled "how to see auras" I have already explained how to enable this kind of vision do not need anything else, not masochistic practice, no beads, no special mantra.
I know that people come to read this far, has a good chance of succeeding, so I will not dwell on the fact that those who are completely uninterested in the spiritual quality of life has little chance.
I never subscribed to any religion, although I believe that some of these are very interesting and valid for certain aspetti.La my feature I believe is the most important spiritual curiosità.E here's the rub: interessarsi.Chi is curious, to curiosity, a positive, courageous, does not go much beyond this "size" of vita.Non I have nothing against those who believe that they are all nonsense and has no time to devote their mental, everyone is free to do what they please. Do not spend time understand how the human being is really done and what are its qualities, for me it just demonstrates how much we hate ourselves and each other.

for those interested:
W. Reich

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

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How to see Aura

Some of you will think that the aura does not exist, others think they need to see a spirit particularly advanced.
the first answer that does not mean that what you see .. there would be a very selfish statement, I would say the latter rather than to see the aura you do not need any dowry in particular, if anything, just a little bit of humility and care, and that the talents of a spirit evolved well beyond the ability to see auras. Some of you do not want to try to see it thinking that myopia, or any other problem of having him impedisca.Non so, I personally tried to see through a camera lens fuzzy at best, and it worked the same.
Take a mirror big enough to be able to see at least 30 cm above the testa.Mettetevi on a white background at a distance of at least five feet from the mirror (farther is better) and look to the center of your forehead, looking But to look at the sides and over your head, with the vision periferica.E 'a procedure very similar to what you do and try to see a celestial body is not too bright in the night sky and see .. To put the best light, you have to move your eyes and see it in your peripheral vision.
am almost certain that after a few minutes (remember not to look away) you will be able to see a thin strip white over your testa.Non is an optical effect, were beginning to see your aura. The most sensitive immediately able to distinguish colors, some other say that he sees only a gray stripe, this depends only on your eyes.
This is the first layer of the auric or etheric body, and matter that make up comunenemente is called subtle energy. If you're eager to see the layers, know that it is much more difficult, the energy is thinner and much less dense (becomes more dense in the vicinity of the physical body), but can someone actually be able to go further: they are hides the true nature of the person you are looking infatti.Il first auric layer is what I call the most democratic: it is almost the same for everyone. From the second on the other hand, there are considerable differences between the various people who I could analizzare.Tuttavia technique to view it is the same, however, requires greater sensitivity.
Why do it? someone will ask me .. what benefits involved? countless, but what I think most significant is that we become able to observe a part of reality that has been deliberately concealed, something that has always existed but which we have rarely seen. One becomes capable of oscillating between two different dimensions of existence. We can see something essential to life as it is water and the air respiriamo.Qualcosa we can manipulate and observe in order to understand better the mental and physical problems.
I think it's time for people to rediscover their natural abilities.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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To see what few have seen you have to go where few have gone.

perché non cada in reti di tramonti
Have you ever wondered if there is everything in your life? You ever asked a question of fundamental importance: myself .. I know my limitations and my abilities?
I often wonder what a man is willing to dig deep within himself before back in fright.
Yet this is what we were born: to know the truth.
I think about what I was taught at school: concepts, theories, things useful and useless, I have served up a science claimed to be holding the keys to life, if something is not scientifically measurable, not esiste.Quasi anyone has ever crossed my mind that if something is not measurable, it is only because we have no tools to the farlo.Ma reality is worse, for example those who attempted to measure the orgone energy as Reich, who had obtained the results scientifically worthy of attention, gets the best of times but had a total indifferenza.Reich as a prize a "stay" in prison where he died '. More often than not listening to science, is in its closed dogmi.Sapete is a dogma? E 'a principle that accepts as true and just, without critical examination and discussion.
Accommodations: This is what man can do better than anything else, and do not mean to lie down to sleep on the bed and dream because the dream has choked the last cry of our best part, I would rather the total blindness our spirit. And here
an atheist might reproach me for having misused a term for something that does not esiste.Purtroppo one of the most common errors of the human soul is giving an extra burden sentimentalismo.Se the soul is a substance measurable (certainly not those famous 21 grams) you would all agree in admitting its existence? For now
step further, I want to talk about the blindness to which I have already mentioned, from my personal invitation to anyone reading: forget that reality is only what you see.
I was born in a village of 1300 inhabitants, and since childhood I have always seen a special rain, before I often do not, however, sometimes looking out the window, I noticed thousands of small glittering balls, put out your hand, but this does not get wet. He did not gave much weight before, I was convinced this was so for tutti.Poi ricreduta.Oggi I know what it is and I know that almost everyone can see and take advantage of this wonder, what matters is the attention.