Wednesday, July 22, 2009

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How to see Aura

Some of you will think that the aura does not exist, others think they need to see a spirit particularly advanced.
the first answer that does not mean that what you see .. there would be a very selfish statement, I would say the latter rather than to see the aura you do not need any dowry in particular, if anything, just a little bit of humility and care, and that the talents of a spirit evolved well beyond the ability to see auras. Some of you do not want to try to see it thinking that myopia, or any other problem of having him impedisca.Non so, I personally tried to see through a camera lens fuzzy at best, and it worked the same.
Take a mirror big enough to be able to see at least 30 cm above the testa.Mettetevi on a white background at a distance of at least five feet from the mirror (farther is better) and look to the center of your forehead, looking But to look at the sides and over your head, with the vision periferica.E 'a procedure very similar to what you do and try to see a celestial body is not too bright in the night sky and see .. To put the best light, you have to move your eyes and see it in your peripheral vision.
am almost certain that after a few minutes (remember not to look away) you will be able to see a thin strip white over your testa.Non is an optical effect, were beginning to see your aura. The most sensitive immediately able to distinguish colors, some other say that he sees only a gray stripe, this depends only on your eyes.
This is the first layer of the auric or etheric body, and matter that make up comunenemente is called subtle energy. If you're eager to see the layers, know that it is much more difficult, the energy is thinner and much less dense (becomes more dense in the vicinity of the physical body), but can someone actually be able to go further: they are hides the true nature of the person you are looking infatti.Il first auric layer is what I call the most democratic: it is almost the same for everyone. From the second on the other hand, there are considerable differences between the various people who I could analizzare.Tuttavia technique to view it is the same, however, requires greater sensitivity.
Why do it? someone will ask me .. what benefits involved? countless, but what I think most significant is that we become able to observe a part of reality that has been deliberately concealed, something that has always existed but which we have rarely seen. One becomes capable of oscillating between two different dimensions of existence. We can see something essential to life as it is water and the air respiriamo.Qualcosa we can manipulate and observe in order to understand better the mental and physical problems.
I think it's time for people to rediscover their natural abilities.


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