Try to set a point in the sky on a sunny day, after a while you will probably appear of little dots bianchi.Non is a reflection, not even your eyes are malfunctioning, it is orgone energy. After a while you feel blind and thus able to observe only a few seconds, it is normal if you are not abituati.Gli billion names men have invented to define it, prana, chi, ether and so on and so forth, but most of us do not understand what tratta.Se to be honest I do not really know even what it is, but based on my reading and especially thanks to my terrific eye, I can draw some conclusions.
E 'needed a' particular inclination of the light for me to realize it, however, I noticed that people around (and probably around every living thing), this form of energy undergoes a slight change, the shining spheres which form the become a little older and rotate counter-clockwise, forming a small vortice.Da here I assumed that the orgone, which penetrates the space everywhere, to create the famous spiral, a form that characterizes some shells, hurricanes, galaxies and so obviously via.Ed our body suffers the flu. Men like Tesla, Reich, whom I admire deeply (although I fear that over the past year Tesla technology is used so all 'anything but peaceful), they discovered many of its qualities, and as everyone knows, their work was kept secret in Tesla's case, and written down in a completely unjustified, as in the case of Reich.Perchè?
The implications are deep and dark. Their findings would have been able to unite science and spirituality, and this obviously would not have agreed to our modern nor lights nor the religious authorities because, in my opinion, are united by a single goal, that let us remain ignorant and tranquilli.Un man who knows more than he needs to know can be dangerous, a loose cannon in the system.
The reality I think is even more convoluted and complex.
To see and to know certain things, for example, see and be able to make use of orgone energy, you're forced to "open" one of our main energy points, the one between the eyebrows, and it happened there, what you touch while Make the sign of the cross: the sixth chakra.
Allowing this energy to vibrate at a frequency higher than the mean, mean to have a broader vision and clear of everything, even the falseness of the world in which we live.
What I sincerely hope that one day all it can, and is the main reason why I'm writing.
How it works?
It's not that complicated, and it is not necessary to believe to see, of course it's not even useful to try something where there is so determined not to believe, the real secret is not to expect anything, do it calmly and without fretta.Nel post titled "how to see auras" I have already explained how to enable this kind of vision do not need anything else, not masochistic practice, no beads, no special mantra.
I know that people come to read this far, has a good chance of succeeding, so I will not dwell on the fact that those who are completely uninterested in the spiritual quality of life has little chance.
I never subscribed to any religion, although I believe that some of these are very interesting and valid for certain aspetti.La my feature I believe is the most important spiritual curiosità .E here's the rub: interessarsi.Chi is curious, to curiosity, a positive, courageous, does not go much beyond this "size" of vita.Non I have nothing against those who believe that they are all nonsense and has no time to devote their mental, everyone is free to do what they please. Do not spend time understand how the human being is really done and what are its qualities, for me it just demonstrates how much we hate ourselves and each other.
for those interested:
W. Reich
E 'needed a' particular inclination of the light for me to realize it, however, I noticed that people around (and probably around every living thing), this form of energy undergoes a slight change, the shining spheres which form the become a little older and rotate counter-clockwise, forming a small vortice.Da here I assumed that the orgone, which penetrates the space everywhere, to create the famous spiral, a form that characterizes some shells, hurricanes, galaxies and so obviously via.Ed our body suffers the flu. Men like Tesla, Reich, whom I admire deeply (although I fear that over the past year Tesla technology is used so all 'anything but peaceful), they discovered many of its qualities, and as everyone knows, their work was kept secret in Tesla's case, and written down in a completely unjustified, as in the case of Reich.Perchè?
The implications are deep and dark. Their findings would have been able to unite science and spirituality, and this obviously would not have agreed to our modern nor lights nor the religious authorities because, in my opinion, are united by a single goal, that let us remain ignorant and tranquilli.Un man who knows more than he needs to know can be dangerous, a loose cannon in the system.
The reality I think is even more convoluted and complex.
To see and to know certain things, for example, see and be able to make use of orgone energy, you're forced to "open" one of our main energy points, the one between the eyebrows, and it happened there, what you touch while Make the sign of the cross: the sixth chakra.
Allowing this energy to vibrate at a frequency higher than the mean, mean to have a broader vision and clear of everything, even the falseness of the world in which we live.
What I sincerely hope that one day all it can, and is the main reason why I'm writing.
How it works?
It's not that complicated, and it is not necessary to believe to see, of course it's not even useful to try something where there is so determined not to believe, the real secret is not to expect anything, do it calmly and without fretta.Nel post titled "how to see auras" I have already explained how to enable this kind of vision do not need anything else, not masochistic practice, no beads, no special mantra.
I know that people come to read this far, has a good chance of succeeding, so I will not dwell on the fact that those who are completely uninterested in the spiritual quality of life has little chance.
I never subscribed to any religion, although I believe that some of these are very interesting and valid for certain aspetti.La my feature I believe is the most important spiritual curiosità .E here's the rub: interessarsi.Chi is curious, to curiosity, a positive, courageous, does not go much beyond this "size" of vita.Non I have nothing against those who believe that they are all nonsense and has no time to devote their mental, everyone is free to do what they please. Do not spend time understand how the human being is really done and what are its qualities, for me it just demonstrates how much we hate ourselves and each other.
for those interested:
W. Reich
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