Friday, September 4, 2009

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thought forms

In the world of which I speak there is not only the aura and the orgone energy in the aura is the container, but also shapes thought.
They are usually visible to those who see the aura, most often those who can get beyond the first layer, but it is not uncommon to see even those who can see only the etheric body, being characterized by a higher density than layers Auric except the first, and then, in terms of energy, quite similar to the etheric body.
The thought-forms, also called larvae, are small clusters of energy that are as small lights are rarely perfectly spherical shape and contours are more often instead irregolari.La my view is quite good, so I can say with reasonable certainty, unless someone I do not contradict (in this case the comments are welcome), which are almost all white, I rarely happen to see dark yellow, brown or black (in these cases I think they are thought forms that have lost their energy and they are "dying"). It never happened instead of seeing thought-forms or monstrous anthropomorphic shape, I think this depends in part on my good amount energy that does not allow the approach, and in part by a bit of luck healthy.
Some call it the flames are usually formed by obsessive thoughts, or continuing, but it is not uncommon in people with an 'aura is powerful enough, can create immediately, no matter what they think, negative, or positiva.Per the "normal" people this is a little trickier, but I can say with some certainty, that feelings such as fear or anger a very strong, even the less gifted can create energy Instantly the thought.
The proof of this, for those who can not see, is quite semplice.Non will never feel tired after you angry or after a strong negative emotion, while failing to carry out physical effort? Have you used your energy in the materialization of your pensieri.Da here we understand the importance of meditation (not to think about the clean your aura) and positive thinking, which requires much less energy to stay alive.
Once formed, the larvae or thought-forms, as anything, trying to survive, and to survive they must find the right "vibrations", those vibrations that they can continue to feed them costantemente.Per this, who has an ugly and obsessive thought it free with great difficulty, and for the same reason, attracts people who think negative thought forms appropriate to its vibration that are trapped near possono.Quindi until these thoughts are not necessarily attached to the person who created them, once created if their master ceases to feed them wander in search of "food."
The so-called sorcerers, or at least all those who have power, can create thought-forms for a particular purpose, positive or negative, This is important to know the etheric reality that surrounds us, it is useful to know how to defend against attacks and latent illnesses which often do not understand why.
As I said, what can we do to protect ourselves is to meditate, create positive thoughts to counteract the energy, especially if you often manifests in a thought that becomes an obsession and you do not know how to get rid of, do anything not to feed it! remember that if you listen to that thought, you obsess continuamente.Cercate to do something that prevents you from thinking (do not cover the unnecessary thoughts with actions, you should not mask them, you have to clear your mind) and you will see that hand in hand if I andrĂ .Anche listening to the music you like can help you, or any hobby that takes your mind occupied in the higher vibrations (painting, sports, literature etc. etc.) but above all never be afraid, because this is the basis of everything that hinders your act positive, cancer of our energy.


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