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elemental true energy of the earth

Atlantic Water - Caparica
who stops to read these lines will almost certainly be asked at least once in their life if there are certain entities superiori.Non I presume you are holding the absolute truth about it, no being human can averla.Tuttavia You can speculate, perhaps supported by evidence and fatti.Nessuno can deny that the earth is a 'living entity, and as such, it has an' infinite myriad of "cells" that carry out his will, or rather it dealing with its functions vitali.Tali cells can occur to humans in many ways, but in most cases (and it happens especially to those who have the ability to manipulate energy), it is appearances that occur in only one of four elements: water, air, earth and fire, Those entities are called elementali.Non then I refer to fairies, gnomes and dragons, created over millennia by the collective to give "color" to the problem, but separate from the most many forms, sometimes beautiful, sometimes terrificanti.Non is my intention to make it a classification, as often if they are around, but rather inform about their esistenza.Nessuno could deny the fact that the 4 elements are tangible, but it is difficult think of a piece of anything that deviates from its original matrix and goes "walking" proprio.Eppure account for the vast majority of events occurs as follows (many of the UFO sightings are closely related to that).
I will not dwell on the reasons that led humanity to remove this simple idea (ie that every element of the earth is alive and can have its conscience), but it happened, and then we are plunged into a kind of total darkness, an era in which we pray God on a golden throne and human features, a God who instigated many conflicts in his name, a God who exists only in virtue of what the power, money and fear, forgetting and deliberately smearing the Mother (earth) and his spirits, the only deity tangible, real.
is often said that these beings (elemental spirits) and have no consciousness of good and I do not find that exact male.Io cosi.Immaginate to have at your disposal an immense force (because that is the strength of the mother) to be nurtured and guided, and now apply this simple idea to the world around us, soon you'll understand why it is not the massimo.Questo (but that's just my idea), is the free arbitrio.Non dare imagine such scenarios, have the task on the horizon if we were taken away, but I fear it is not possible, fortunately.
There is no man on earth that can not interact with the mother, because the first instrument that it has given us to do so pensiero.PiĆ¹ it is, the greater will be implemented and immagazzinato.Gli elemental spirits are quite pleased you have to do with those who demonstrate their affection, and often a person may apply for and obtain, but can never claim. The more one becomes aware
etheric energy that surrounds us, the more I realize that facile.Purtroppo but put in contact a person who wants to remain blind to this kind of reality is a hard work, it is often useless, even in the company of the best teachers: the majority of people have so many problems in his head that he does not think in any way to the 'subtle energy' and so does nothing but ignore the means by which it might overcome them.
The last thing, and perhaps most important, is to never ask only if you want stessi.Quando is best to use part of our energy for the welfare of others and Gaia.Chiedere only for oneself is not an evil deed, and you do not go to hell .. but it is very limiting, and the results would be limited.


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