Monday, March 7, 2011

How Difficult Is The Nln Test

Good week!
I hope this Monday is not too heavy!

For me it was a clear day ... which will end with a special lecture course photography!
The appointment will be at 20.30!
.... The location is great: the Colosseum and Fori Imperiali.
We'll see what comes out!
In truth, I have yet to become familiar with my SLR ... but we say that the dialogue has improved lately! ;)
As you will understand .... I love Rome, with all its contradictions and its atavistic problems!
E 'a city that's about ME ... it has a therapeutic effect! When
are a little down or I simply need to be alone with myself ... I take refuge in the heart of Rome! I love
walk and breathe the air of "country" only in a few streets of Rome, I can perceive.
many hidden views, how many colors!
Rome is not known ever to the end!
You feel at home and abroad at the same time! It makes me feel
"citizen of the world"!




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