Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Do The Jelly Braced

Jewelry made by hand - That Jewelry Girl Theme

Hello everyone! Today I will surely have an exclusively female audience because what I present to you is a collection of vintage jewelry handmade most beautiful and interesting I've ever seen! I do not know if you know that use of the contents of Shabby Blogs, background, buttons and lots of funny and cute gadget. Well while doing a load up now that I'm going to find? One of the sponsors of Shabby Blogs That is Girl Jewelry, a red-haired girl with tremendous creativity, but sought the same time young and fresh.
That Girl Jewelry assemblies manufactured entirely by hand with a vintage feeling absolutely contemporary. If you have a way to view vintage jewels of other artists you can see that this kind of work has always by their nature, a feeling of the old approaches that badly maybe those who are not married shabby philosophy. These jewels, however, can be worn by everyone because each of them in vintage soul, but also there is a bright, modern look at what is one of the fashion trends of today.
Have you noticed (to stay on with previous post) as this artist is also inspired by the adventures of Alice from Lewis Carroll (one of my favorite books) !? Watches, Victorian fashion, the teapot, rusty keys and locks of an enchanted garden ... I love this woman's world!
These and other creations on That Girl Jewelry

What do you think? Do you like? I'm running (on line) to buy something! Oh I forgot, if you know someone in Italy who creates things like the set for me please!?
With Love


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