Friday, October 30, 2009

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the fall

Have you ever heard of the veil of Maya?
It 's a concept used by the philosopher Schopenhauer, to indicate all that prevents access to the true reality, the noumenon. A veil of appearance, falsehood, that only some manage to cross.
What lies beyond the veil?
stay out of philosophical concepts I could say that they hide behind the veil of those dimensions unknown to man, such as the astral. The very vague dimensions where the etheric body when it experiences an OBE (out of body experience), whose conscious exploration is the prerogative of those who know the reality of the world " thin."
These are the places where it shows the thought or idea is not just created, then we can say that the veil, in addition to maintaining the illusion that reality is only one-dimensional we can touch, it also defends the unpleasant disadvantages that would occur if everyone had the power to express their ideas instantly.
We can also call the collective unconscious veil that unites all humanity, making a prisoner of ideas defaults. The collective unconscious also determines what is generally considered to be possible and what is not. Any paranormal phenomenon, sifted the unconscious collective becomes almost impossible, but not because it is rather because the majority of humanity is not yet able to experience it in person.
To this I feel compelled to add a crucial detail: who is enjoying the status quo, that is how things are going on our planet, does everything so that the reality does not change. If all of a sudden become aware of our immense creative powers, or even aware of what exists beyond the veil, this modern slavery would become unmanageable. But change is like a wave from a point in the sea, creating small ripples other until the entire surface is affected.
This demonstrates that everyone in his small can do something useful. At the very moment when I see something different change the foundations of my reality and I place the conditions for you to change yours also. And so on, in a continuous flow, until one of the eddies of this gigantic network of thoughts, one day, hopefully not too far, the new reality will emerge.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

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description of the aura of the veil

Contrary to what is written in web browsing and in some texts specific, the aura is not really an issue consists of layers to one another, characteristics that make it similar to a rainbow.
I can say, based on what I see, that's beyond the first layer that is thick and follows the line of the physical body, are not homogeneous and usually consist of two colors that vary from person to person, following the states of 'mind of the person you happen to have more concentration of color or the other, but remain essentially the same two dominant colors.
subsequent layers do not follow the line of the physical body, they have a sort of "webbed cloud" with a light wire. Sometimes they are also visible rays straight around the aura. While the first layer varies depending on the light which is observed, and under artificial light is yellow, with natural light is more blue / green, successive layers do not undergo substantial changes, but there is a feature that can mislead the observation . The colors that are usually seen within the aura, are the result of a sort of ignition mechanism of energy and have, as I said, filament globes or uneven, but it can happen to observe around us themselves or the person we are looking at a cocoon of light that is always presented in shades of yellow, very large and do not say that this is compatto.Potrei the container base within which the energy is metabolized and turned into different colors, distinguished from the base because it is very bright.
The thing I find most difficult to determine the amplitude of the aura.
I saw in a room about 3 meters is really very difficult to establish the "end" of the aura, the layers are spread very far from the physical body and I think, even if they are not completely certain of this having not seen accurately, the cloud can assume considerable proportions.
would be necessary to consider an outdoor person with the right background so as not to be misled by the underlying color (a gray sky, a large rock from the uniform color, etc.), unfortunately I have not had time yet.
I already said that orgone energy vital, who is white and that the aura is a sort of shell that contains it, so I can think of the 'prism experiment in which white light is passed (which contains all the colors) that is split and then re-emitted in colors in it.
Similarly orgone energy, white and neutral, enters the human body, and is re-emitted by the aura. In short, the aura may be the result of how each of us metabolize orgone, so different in size and color depending on the subject, but also of the moment. The disease in fact, that many scholars make the argument coincide with a malabsorption orgone, Auric and cause damage as a result, cellular damage and falling immune system.

Monday, October 5, 2009

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What is witchcraft?
difficult to answer objectively, everyone sees it in his own way and based on their experiences.
For myself, I know for sure that witchcraft beginner instruments are made, that the real sorcerer / witch is mainly mental, spiritual.
I happened to visit on this forum where some naive user called "magic" of love, formulas, recipes, someone who wanted to know how to levitate, how to throw a maledizione.Tutto me this smile.
90% of those who are completely free approach to the topic of cognition on fenomeno.In few words, if you do not know how to use your mental energy, any instrument, formula, recipe, it is absolutely useless, because we ourselves Download valuables and not contrario.Nei books of Carlos Castaneda, the shaman Don Juan says that the tools he used when he was a novice (crystals and feathers) were no longer strongly necessari.Consiglio reading the books in question for those who want to approach the topic.
The formulas are merely archetypal models likely to create a special pensiero.Per this form are not required, or rather, if they can do very well unless, as the thought-form, as has already guessed from the name, is based on the thought, then the concept and the word may remain fuori.Ci are numerous studies on the archetypal man-made during the tempo.Non I dwell on this, but I want to talk instead of the archetypal language, which I believe is the true means of sorcery. The archetypal
language is a simple language based on symbols and unskilled, concepts, designs common to all mondo.Esso is the language of the universe itself, and is the only way a human can speak to the universe, be heard and then "change reality."
Apparently, everything is moving through this language primordial and absolute and that our thoughts, if able to build it in an appropriate and channel it into "sea energy" around us (which serves as a bridge and die for our achievements), can become a creative act in the real sense of the term.
Many of you wondered how to speak that language .. in fact once you understand it is quite semplice.Si is think about what you want as if it had already happened, in brief instant, like a photograph of future.
I believe that prayers never work, just because it is difficult to put in place our creative thinking while praying, but we just complain about our condition, to grieve and ask for help for our misfortune.
course, and I never tire of repeating it, people who do not have the slightest idea how to use their energy can not do it consciously.
There are some tools that can increase the chances of success, such as crystals, but there is no tool more powerful than our awareness.

Monday, September 28, 2009

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I'm talking about one of the most curious phenomena in esoteric and controversial: psychokinesis.
To better understand what I am writing to refer to my previous post on the thought-forms, because the use of mental energy is crucial in this case.
So far as I know, there are two ways in which moving objects: one with the issue of energy from his hands, they are an extension of the mind (and therefore for many it is easier to do with your hands, using them as a tool that gives substance to the thought), the other is rather through their thoughts, without the use of hands.
The first example I can mention is the famous psi-wheel, a piece of paper folded like a pyramid resting on a needle, which almost everyone is able to run .. this depends crucially on the etheric body, which, when is quite "strong" leads seamlessly a piece of paper resting on a needle under the minimum friction sussiste.Le quality of the etheric body is in fact similar to those of the thermal energy that elettrica.Chi says the psi wheel moves through the heat really is not wrong at all, just do not think in any way what is the source of energy. Personally, I saw that the "game" works with his hands completely frozen (kept in the freezer).
describing the other method the issue becomes slightly more complessa.Come I said the man is able to "materialize" their thoughts, they become detached from his body and auric wander, the more powerful and more resistono.Il method "no hands" is based on this concetto.Ciò also explains why many can not do without hands: the energy created, and we can not disintegrate, has an energy insufficient or not you are able to direct the object to move.
Also in this way is also discernible because psychokinesis is nourished by meditation (cleansing of the aura and ability to create stronger energy). There is also
involuntary psychokinesis, poltergeist phenomenon, which I personally believe
linked to strong energy rush without going to the trouble entity of some sort.
Who is interested in the subject can only be contruirsi verificare.Se a psi wheel, and wants to move without hands must first meditate and expand its aura.La psychokinesis is not a gift, is a consequence of the increase of its energy.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

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Considerations reincarnation

I'm sure many of you share my path, a path characterized by an almost total inaction for several years, and one brutal place. Already as a baby I had a strange empathy with my mother often told me that every time he was nightmares, while deferring silent room, and I woke up I was in piangere.Questa empathy has often saved my life in dangerous situations (episodes of sleepwalking in which not a hair fall from the window at night, or at risk of suffocation with different materials swallowed).
was nine I had my first shocking vision of "elemental" and 12 appeared to me an oddity that I could not explain, it happened very rarely, but sometimes know in advance what he would say a person or thing would happen to them recently, with no clue.
Then shoot 'all of a sudden to 15 years, and spent some time in a situation that would call spirituale.Ovviamente hibernating in my life I did not follow any kind of path that I approached the control, manipulation of energy, I've never done a yoga class or meditazione.Nonostante I have noticed that many meditation techniques are to me as the act of spontaneous breathing, do not put into practice even one, and the few times I watched the orgone energy from the window, did not gave any weight (and this happens to many people, it's not always gives off sparks). This
continued in an unabated until one day I decided to go and read the exact definition of Chakra, and turned back button spento.Da here you can guess how important the information. Maybe if the TV brings to people's attention these topics would be much easier to wake up and open your eyes, but unfortunately most of the media does the opposite, using two methods: the silence or ridicule of the phenomenon of so-called "paranormal."
Many people over the past few years that have elapsed since the "re-lighting" were surprised that I had not followed any kind of spiritual path, making note that to reach this level, most people need of hard inner work.
This got me thinking .. if each person needs a constant inner work and guides, the only plausible explanations are: I have done my job in life before this, (assuming that the theory of reincarnation is true) or I had some help from above, I "caught" the right flow of energy as soon as they came into the world (in this case, however, would not understand by what criteria I should enjoy this privilege). As a part of you will think it's pure coincidence, I think that certain things can rarely be done without a sense, especially when it comes to evolution interiore.In few words, if a proper flow of energy is not someone who invests is ready, I'm pretty sure that will not have on him / her any effetto.Questo because we all have a choice, always, and nothing is imposed.
This is not intended as a proof of reincarnation, but only a starting point for reflection, there are many of my most extreme cases, but in fact I hope to have my little curiosity on the subject.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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elemental true energy of the earth

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who stops to read these lines will almost certainly be asked at least once in their life if there are certain entities superiori.Non I presume you are holding the absolute truth about it, no being human can averla.Tuttavia You can speculate, perhaps supported by evidence and fatti.Nessuno can deny that the earth is a 'living entity, and as such, it has an' infinite myriad of "cells" that carry out his will, or rather it dealing with its functions vitali.Tali cells can occur to humans in many ways, but in most cases (and it happens especially to those who have the ability to manipulate energy), it is appearances that occur in only one of four elements: water, air, earth and fire, Those entities are called elementali.Non then I refer to fairies, gnomes and dragons, created over millennia by the collective to give "color" to the problem, but separate from the most many forms, sometimes beautiful, sometimes terrificanti.Non is my intention to make it a classification, as often if they are around, but rather inform about their esistenza.Nessuno could deny the fact that the 4 elements are tangible, but it is difficult think of a piece of anything that deviates from its original matrix and goes "walking" proprio.Eppure account for the vast majority of events occurs as follows (many of the UFO sightings are closely related to that).
I will not dwell on the reasons that led humanity to remove this simple idea (ie that every element of the earth is alive and can have its conscience), but it happened, and then we are plunged into a kind of total darkness, an era in which we pray God on a golden throne and human features, a God who instigated many conflicts in his name, a God who exists only in virtue of what the power, money and fear, forgetting and deliberately smearing the Mother (earth) and his spirits, the only deity tangible, real.
is often said that these beings (elemental spirits) and have no consciousness of good and I do not find that exact male.Io cosi.Immaginate to have at your disposal an immense force (because that is the strength of the mother) to be nurtured and guided, and now apply this simple idea to the world around us, soon you'll understand why it is not the massimo.Questo (but that's just my idea), is the free arbitrio.Non dare imagine such scenarios, have the task on the horizon if we were taken away, but I fear it is not possible, fortunately.
There is no man on earth that can not interact with the mother, because the first instrument that it has given us to do so pensiero.Più it is, the greater will be implemented and immagazzinato.Gli elemental spirits are quite pleased you have to do with those who demonstrate their affection, and often a person may apply for and obtain, but can never claim. The more one becomes aware
etheric energy that surrounds us, the more I realize that facile.Purtroppo but put in contact a person who wants to remain blind to this kind of reality is a hard work, it is often useless, even in the company of the best teachers: the majority of people have so many problems in his head that he does not think in any way to the 'subtle energy' and so does nothing but ignore the means by which it might overcome them.
The last thing, and perhaps most important, is to never ask only if you want stessi.Quando is best to use part of our energy for the welfare of others and Gaia.Chiedere only for oneself is not an evil deed, and you do not go to hell .. but it is very limiting, and the results would be limited.

Friday, September 4, 2009

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thought forms

In the world of which I speak there is not only the aura and the orgone energy in the aura is the container, but also shapes thought.
They are usually visible to those who see the aura, most often those who can get beyond the first layer, but it is not uncommon to see even those who can see only the etheric body, being characterized by a higher density than layers Auric except the first, and then, in terms of energy, quite similar to the etheric body.
The thought-forms, also called larvae, are small clusters of energy that are as small lights are rarely perfectly spherical shape and contours are more often instead irregolari.La my view is quite good, so I can say with reasonable certainty, unless someone I do not contradict (in this case the comments are welcome), which are almost all white, I rarely happen to see dark yellow, brown or black (in these cases I think they are thought forms that have lost their energy and they are "dying"). It never happened instead of seeing thought-forms or monstrous anthropomorphic shape, I think this depends in part on my good amount energy that does not allow the approach, and in part by a bit of luck healthy.
Some call it the flames are usually formed by obsessive thoughts, or continuing, but it is not uncommon in people with an 'aura is powerful enough, can create immediately, no matter what they think, negative, or positiva.Per the "normal" people this is a little trickier, but I can say with some certainty, that feelings such as fear or anger a very strong, even the less gifted can create energy Instantly the thought.
The proof of this, for those who can not see, is quite semplice.Non will never feel tired after you angry or after a strong negative emotion, while failing to carry out physical effort? Have you used your energy in the materialization of your pensieri.Da here we understand the importance of meditation (not to think about the clean your aura) and positive thinking, which requires much less energy to stay alive.
Once formed, the larvae or thought-forms, as anything, trying to survive, and to survive they must find the right "vibrations", those vibrations that they can continue to feed them costantemente.Per this, who has an ugly and obsessive thought it free with great difficulty, and for the same reason, attracts people who think negative thought forms appropriate to its vibration that are trapped near possono.Quindi until these thoughts are not necessarily attached to the person who created them, once created if their master ceases to feed them wander in search of "food."
The so-called sorcerers, or at least all those who have power, can create thought-forms for a particular purpose, positive or negative, This is important to know the etheric reality that surrounds us, it is useful to know how to defend against attacks and latent illnesses which often do not understand why.
As I said, what can we do to protect ourselves is to meditate, create positive thoughts to counteract the energy, especially if you often manifests in a thought that becomes an obsession and you do not know how to get rid of, do anything not to feed it! remember that if you listen to that thought, you obsess continuamente.Cercate to do something that prevents you from thinking (do not cover the unnecessary thoughts with actions, you should not mask them, you have to clear your mind) and you will see that hand in hand if I andrà.Anche listening to the music you like can help you, or any hobby that takes your mind occupied in the higher vibrations (painting, sports, literature etc. etc.) but above all never be afraid, because this is the basis of everything that hinders your act positive, cancer of our energy.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

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orgone energy

Try to set a point in the sky on a sunny day, after a while you will probably appear of little dots bianchi.Non is a reflection, not even your eyes are malfunctioning, it is orgone energy. After a while you feel blind and thus able to observe only a few seconds, it is normal if you are not abituati.Gli billion names men have invented to define it, prana, chi, ether and so on and so forth, but most of us do not understand what tratta.Se to be honest I do not really know even what it is, but based on my reading and especially thanks to my terrific eye, I can draw some conclusions.
E 'needed a' particular inclination of the light for me to realize it, however, I noticed that people around (and probably around every living thing), this form of energy undergoes a slight change, the shining spheres which form the become a little older and rotate counter-clockwise, forming a small vortice.Da here I assumed that the orgone, which penetrates the space everywhere, to create the famous spiral, a form that characterizes some shells, hurricanes, galaxies and so obviously via.Ed our body suffers the flu. Men like Tesla, Reich, whom I admire deeply (although I fear that over the past year Tesla technology is used so all 'anything but peaceful), they discovered many of its qualities, and as everyone knows, their work was kept secret in Tesla's case, and written down in a completely unjustified, as in the case of Reich.Perchè?
The implications are deep and dark. Their findings would have been able to unite science and spirituality, and this obviously would not have agreed to our modern nor lights nor the religious authorities because, in my opinion, are united by a single goal, that let us remain ignorant and tranquilli.Un man who knows more than he needs to know can be dangerous, a loose cannon in the system.
The reality I think is even more convoluted and complex.
To see and to know certain things, for example, see and be able to make use of orgone energy, you're forced to "open" one of our main energy points, the one between the eyebrows, and it happened there, what you touch while Make the sign of the cross: the sixth chakra.
Allowing this energy to vibrate at a frequency higher than the mean, mean to have a broader vision and clear of everything, even the falseness of the world in which we live.
What I sincerely hope that one day all it can, and is the main reason why I'm writing.
How it works?
It's not that complicated, and it is not necessary to believe to see, of course it's not even useful to try something where there is so determined not to believe, the real secret is not to expect anything, do it calmly and without fretta.Nel post titled "how to see auras" I have already explained how to enable this kind of vision do not need anything else, not masochistic practice, no beads, no special mantra.
I know that people come to read this far, has a good chance of succeeding, so I will not dwell on the fact that those who are completely uninterested in the spiritual quality of life has little chance.
I never subscribed to any religion, although I believe that some of these are very interesting and valid for certain aspetti.La my feature I believe is the most important spiritual curiosità.E here's the rub: interessarsi.Chi is curious, to curiosity, a positive, courageous, does not go much beyond this "size" of vita.Non I have nothing against those who believe that they are all nonsense and has no time to devote their mental, everyone is free to do what they please. Do not spend time understand how the human being is really done and what are its qualities, for me it just demonstrates how much we hate ourselves and each other.

for those interested:
W. Reich

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

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How to see Aura

Some of you will think that the aura does not exist, others think they need to see a spirit particularly advanced.
the first answer that does not mean that what you see .. there would be a very selfish statement, I would say the latter rather than to see the aura you do not need any dowry in particular, if anything, just a little bit of humility and care, and that the talents of a spirit evolved well beyond the ability to see auras. Some of you do not want to try to see it thinking that myopia, or any other problem of having him impedisca.Non so, I personally tried to see through a camera lens fuzzy at best, and it worked the same.
Take a mirror big enough to be able to see at least 30 cm above the testa.Mettetevi on a white background at a distance of at least five feet from the mirror (farther is better) and look to the center of your forehead, looking But to look at the sides and over your head, with the vision periferica.E 'a procedure very similar to what you do and try to see a celestial body is not too bright in the night sky and see .. To put the best light, you have to move your eyes and see it in your peripheral vision.
am almost certain that after a few minutes (remember not to look away) you will be able to see a thin strip white over your testa.Non is an optical effect, were beginning to see your aura. The most sensitive immediately able to distinguish colors, some other say that he sees only a gray stripe, this depends only on your eyes.
This is the first layer of the auric or etheric body, and matter that make up comunenemente is called subtle energy. If you're eager to see the layers, know that it is much more difficult, the energy is thinner and much less dense (becomes more dense in the vicinity of the physical body), but can someone actually be able to go further: they are hides the true nature of the person you are looking infatti.Il first auric layer is what I call the most democratic: it is almost the same for everyone. From the second on the other hand, there are considerable differences between the various people who I could analizzare.Tuttavia technique to view it is the same, however, requires greater sensitivity.
Why do it? someone will ask me .. what benefits involved? countless, but what I think most significant is that we become able to observe a part of reality that has been deliberately concealed, something that has always existed but which we have rarely seen. One becomes capable of oscillating between two different dimensions of existence. We can see something essential to life as it is water and the air respiriamo.Qualcosa we can manipulate and observe in order to understand better the mental and physical problems.
I think it's time for people to rediscover their natural abilities.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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To see what few have seen you have to go where few have gone.

perché non cada in reti di tramonti
Have you ever wondered if there is everything in your life? You ever asked a question of fundamental importance: myself .. I know my limitations and my abilities?
I often wonder what a man is willing to dig deep within himself before back in fright.
Yet this is what we were born: to know the truth.
I think about what I was taught at school: concepts, theories, things useful and useless, I have served up a science claimed to be holding the keys to life, if something is not scientifically measurable, not esiste.Quasi anyone has ever crossed my mind that if something is not measurable, it is only because we have no tools to the farlo.Ma reality is worse, for example those who attempted to measure the orgone energy as Reich, who had obtained the results scientifically worthy of attention, gets the best of times but had a total indifferenza.Reich as a prize a "stay" in prison where he died '. More often than not listening to science, is in its closed dogmi.Sapete is a dogma? E 'a principle that accepts as true and just, without critical examination and discussion.
Accommodations: This is what man can do better than anything else, and do not mean to lie down to sleep on the bed and dream because the dream has choked the last cry of our best part, I would rather the total blindness our spirit. And here
an atheist might reproach me for having misused a term for something that does not esiste.Purtroppo one of the most common errors of the human soul is giving an extra burden sentimentalismo.Se the soul is a substance measurable (certainly not those famous 21 grams) you would all agree in admitting its existence? For now
step further, I want to talk about the blindness to which I have already mentioned, from my personal invitation to anyone reading: forget that reality is only what you see.
I was born in a village of 1300 inhabitants, and since childhood I have always seen a special rain, before I often do not, however, sometimes looking out the window, I noticed thousands of small glittering balls, put out your hand, but this does not get wet. He did not gave much weight before, I was convinced this was so for tutti.Poi ricreduta.Oggi I know what it is and I know that almost everyone can see and take advantage of this wonder, what matters is the attention.