Monday, January 31, 2011

Christian Dior Fashion Show Invitations

A conversation with Machiavelli! Medical Bulletin


Today I happened to read (Machiavelli, The Prince, chap. XXV):

Sometimes, especially if driving through particularly turbulent historical periods, one gets the impression that there is a destiny to dominate the man really has no other option but to accept the fate and submit to it. But the man has the freedom, it is more correct to assign only to Fortune responsibility for half the things that happen to us.
The leaders of the other half is us.

Often we forget that we are free ... to build our lives!
Every choice .... this is a piece of our future!
future ... This is a paradox!

often has a "bad habit" to project themselves mentally into yesterday or tomorrow!
losing sight of the TODAY!
I must be honest in this ... I've always been very good ... then ask me (exhausted) and " my present?!

By the time I experienced all the various techniques of procrastination can often true sabotage!
Not to mention the capacity (not everyone, but I know many good as me) brooding the "any" !

Lately, however, are undergoing a change!
What I strapiace!

I said to myself many times (too many ).... we need to change perspective!
bbene And I did!
both mentally and physically!
Costa fatigue ... but also gives a lot of satisfaction!

expect that the "luck" and / or "change ".... come on their own can paralyze us and make us stand still for years!
The "fate" must also be helped a little .... and hence the term "Fortune favors the brave."

E 'need to believe that .... Before
itself themselves and then everything you do ... to get what you want!
There are people who have the courage to change ... and to improve, finding their own identity and dimension!
Often letting go!
Break some rigid pattern ... sometimes it is so liberating!
And we return to FREEDOM '(printed in dance by Machiavelli) ... to be what we want and we can!

I'm working ... but there are already quite a bit ahead a few years ago!
continued confidence, this is important!
I try to play my best ... 50% helped by those who love me!

Safe journey to all!



Photos from web

Friday, January 28, 2011

Nambla South Park French?

last few days that I did not say "I do not feel good, this influence has knocked me down "!
The truth is that I never passed!
Yesterday I ran out of the office and I had a fever of 38!
Then the temperature is increased, and so I took paracetamol.
This morning I decided to go to my doctor who saw me as he exclaimed "you're very bad !!!".
He prescribed antibiotics and supplements! The strange thing
is that although physically and I landed, I really want to do!
But I have to "brake" to prevent further relapse, so this afternoon I'm at home ... warm!
I take this opportunity to surf a little on the internet, looking for some ideas for the new house!

's time to make dinner!
appetite ... I do not miss ever! ;)



; ; ; Photos from web

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bajaj Allinanz New Brea

A pleasant surprise from Clare! Up and down


This morning I received a pleasant surprise! A really unexpected
mail, sent by my friend Clare, who among his busy schedule he thought of me in what little free time that rarely manages to enjoy!
I moved, not only for his words ... but for the act itself.
Chiara is a really special person, who (by borrowing and adapting a piece of the song by Lorenzo Jovanotti) "took his life and made it much more!
It 's a brave girl!

I love the camellia (since I read The elegance of the hedgehog, suggested by Clare) and in language of flowers given is a sign of esteem!
Virtually ... the gift to Clare!



Photos from web

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Is Gold Fish Connect To Cellular Respiration

I often have ups and downs of 'mood! One day I
charge, positive and proactive and the day after almost depressed and docile!
I'm trying to live with my own state, which are now almost cyclical.
Yet he can not accept them at all.
not bear to not have my balance every day!
not stand to be affected by how I get up in the morning!
I hate having to "suffer" this mechanism!
But it's stronger than me ... 's something that I can not control. I pledge
few days and then again ... I get lost of view!
to find themselves and lose you again ... and then find me!
I try to give me the rules, that may be useful to better organize my day ... I respect only for a few days ... and then start again!
A great effort ... mental!
But sooner or later I'll make it!
I'll find my inner balance!



Photos from web

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Salutatory Address In Tagalog For Elementary

Here I am! I wish time

flu has knocked me for a few days!
But I'm back ... and I'm taking over!
Today in Rome is a beautiful sun ... is just like getting a nice walk in a Park in the city!

For example, at Villa Torlonia:

or Villa Borghese

; ; ; Photos from web

... I decided to organize a picnic for Saturday !!!!!!



Thursday, January 13, 2011

Planetary Pinball On Funbrain Play

"I wish you time" is the title of one of my favorite poems!
I dedicate it to all those who read my blog .... and not by chance!
nice day!
soon! Tiziana

not you all wish you a gift.

I only hope that most people do not have.

I wish you time to have fun and laugh.

I wish you for your time and do your thinking,

not only for yourself but also to give it to others.

time I wish you not to rush and run, but time to be happy.

I wish you time not only to spend it.

time I wish that you should stay, time to be surprised and time to trust and not just to watch the clock.

time I wish to touch the stars and time to grow, to mature.

I wish you time to hope and to love again. No longer makes sense to postpone.

I wish you time to find yourself, living your every day, every hour as your gift.

time I wish also to forgive.

We hope to have time for life ...

Elli Michler

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Claim Someone As Dependent If They Get Disability

keys .... of (s) time!

Monday I went back to work and now I'm back home!
I have a fever!
E 'very strange for me ... I hardly get sick!
This year I have not been spared by the virus! (
I hope to get back soon, not so much to return to the office but in order to continue my good intentions!

On 24 January I will start the basic course in photography!
Two hours per week for eight meetings ...!
We also outputs to capture the eternal city!
In a different time ... depends on the light!
so I said, I can not wait!

Also on Friday will take up the English course! Today I see
Breakfast at Tiffany's in the original language but with subtitles!

diet several days are going on ... I do not drink a cappuccino!
Record for me!

I leave the best news at the end ... by Sunday should give us the long-awaited Keys to the House!
Finally !!!!!!!!!!!
The wait was very long!
It took patience ... but these keys are for me really!
In fact my keys once ... or better than "change"!

                                                                 Photos from web



Saturday, January 8, 2011

Camel Toe Beach Fotos

Lorraine Fouchet

the summer of 2008, on a hot afternoon of boredom ... typing on Google "life change" ... I came across a book by an author French: Lorraine Fouchet!
really a pleasant surprise!
I ordered, purchased and devoured his story, with which I began to love the South of France, so that adventure with Pino, my husband, the following summer in a long journey on the road ... Rome - Barcelona!

Did you know that there is a Museum of Lavender?
I did not know ... but I guarantee that there is and I was also ( )!
E 'in the magnificent Gordes (where it was shot on film "A Good Year" in 2006 directed by Ridley Scott, starring Russell Crowe and Albert Finney).
I still have vivid memories of the "perfume" of those places and from then on my bedside table is never without lavender oil!
It 's so nice and light!

With this novel I had the opportunity to know and appreciate a new lifestyle, where I am?
Lorraine Fouchet writes:
"You can change your life with a header or after a long reflection.
Many are those who cherish this dream.
Few dare to cross the threshold.
At any age life, every human being has the right to raise the dice.
Why do not you? "
(Change from life - Garzanti).



Friday, January 7, 2011

Paty Cake Daily Basis

Ask if they are happy ...

Today is my last day of vacation!
Then there is the w-end and Monday will return to work .
This period of break did me good, I rested both physically and mentally!
We wanted and expected it to August!
I enjoyed "my time" ... so finding a basic serenity!
E not cheap! I must be honest ... I'm busy!
I was very careful ... and have "been listening!
E 'was ... a good exercise for myself!
But the training has just begun .... as well as the diet!
How I miss my cappuccino (in fact even two a day) with the bundle of apples!
My breakfast is now made from organic green tea (a gift from my friend Manu) and biscuits without eggs and milk (bought by my sister Nicole)!
to charity all very good ..... but I think my first award will be a nice cappuccino with cocoa! Tomorrow
meantime buy a scale and serious .... I will start to pin my weight ... every week!
I also released the elliptical from bags and scarves and go in an hour to do my first 15-minute ride!
Yay .... we're off!



Monday, January 3, 2011

Airsoft Night Prowler Sa Parts

2011: The list of good intentions


today inaugurated the first post in my blog ... how exciting!
Finally I decided to call it .... and I chose "takeyourtimeplease" ... and that is what more often suggest to myself!
Time is a precious gift for me!

What better time to make a list of Good Intentions / Dreams / Do you want to achieve?
I have in mind too many ... maybe a year is not enough!

.... start with the most trivial and then drops than serious;)

1. Weight Loss
2. Learn how to cook dishes
3. Resume playing the guitar
4. Improve my Inglese
5. Take a course in photography
6. Learn how to make crochet
7. Finding a representative look
8. Be more orderly
9. Being more eco
10. ... Without first having to get up to racing in the morning
11. Go to bed early the night
12. Drink more water
13. Sports (at least 2 times per week)
14. Read more
15. Inquire more generally
16. Travel
17. Maintaining my own blog
18. Making "shabby chic" my new home
19. Make sure that the precarious working does not become existential
20. Learn to act on priorities
21. Exercising willpower
22. Volunteering
23. Be positive
24. Be safer
25. Become more courageous
26. Becoming a patient
27. Accepting my limitations
28. Learning to trust
29. ... To thank the people I love to be there always
30. To start thinking of expanding the family

is ... the top 30 "things" that came in mind!
I expect a "great job" ... but I'm ready!

