Monday, January 31, 2011

Christian Dior Fashion Show Invitations

A conversation with Machiavelli! Medical Bulletin


Today I happened to read (Machiavelli, The Prince, chap. XXV):

Sometimes, especially if driving through particularly turbulent historical periods, one gets the impression that there is a destiny to dominate the man really has no other option but to accept the fate and submit to it. But the man has the freedom, it is more correct to assign only to Fortune responsibility for half the things that happen to us.
The leaders of the other half is us.

Often we forget that we are free ... to build our lives!
Every choice .... this is a piece of our future!
future ... This is a paradox!

often has a "bad habit" to project themselves mentally into yesterday or tomorrow!
losing sight of the TODAY!
I must be honest in this ... I've always been very good ... then ask me (exhausted) and " my present?!

By the time I experienced all the various techniques of procrastination can often true sabotage!
Not to mention the capacity (not everyone, but I know many good as me) brooding the "any" !

Lately, however, are undergoing a change!
What I strapiace!

I said to myself many times (too many ).... we need to change perspective!
bbene And I did!
both mentally and physically!
Costa fatigue ... but also gives a lot of satisfaction!

expect that the "luck" and / or "change ".... come on their own can paralyze us and make us stand still for years!
The "fate" must also be helped a little .... and hence the term "Fortune favors the brave."

E 'need to believe that .... Before
itself themselves and then everything you do ... to get what you want!
There are people who have the courage to change ... and to improve, finding their own identity and dimension!
Often letting go!
Break some rigid pattern ... sometimes it is so liberating!
And we return to FREEDOM '(printed in dance by Machiavelli) ... to be what we want and we can!

I'm working ... but there are already quite a bit ahead a few years ago!
continued confidence, this is important!
I try to play my best ... 50% helped by those who love me!

Safe journey to all!



Photos from web


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