Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Limberjack Doll For Sale

Exercise 4 - Exercise 4 Raiden 41

Avatar: Haley Joel Osment

The Macauly Culkin Syndrome

- Put down that gun, Haley! Calm down!
- Calm down? Now I should calm down? And when I needed to work where were you? A kissing Shia LeBeounf?
- killing solves nothing.
- Yes it is! I'll never be the child of Sixth Sense, I am forever your murderess. Hey, Mr. Spielberg! You are about to make history!
For Haley Joel Osment that was the only solution. He was convinced that he suffers from a serious disease: the syndrome Macauly Culkin. A disease that afflicts young talents in Hollywood burying in hell did maelstrom of drugs, alcohol and arrests for speeding. No role in successful films, bound to dub the video game characters. In this Haley was wrong. He was tired, very tired. He was tired of feeling: "Hey, I really see dead people? There is the case for my grandmother in this room? "And crap like that. She could not really anymore. He wanted to feel better, he wanted to heal. To do this he had found a cure: to kill a man who had kept his promise. Steven Spielberg. With AI had promised to save the child from the limbo of the Sixth Sense. It failed. And so, one morning in August, Haley, gun in his pocket, cocaine in the nose, he visited his friend Steven on the set where he worked.
- Hey! You know what And the funny thing? Now I see dead people really.
Haley loaded his shot, his hand trembling, his eyes bloodshot altered by drugs.
-Hollywood is a boy, all sooner or later end up prisoners of their character ...
A voice deep and sure, a man hard, behind Haley. The boy spun around. A hand ripped off the arm, another hit him in the face knocking him to the ground.
- Only someone who is more fortunate than others - the man finished the sentence.
- Thank you, Junior .
- You're welcome, Steph. I had gone to tell you that you have to talk with Lucas, continues to haunt them with the spin-off on Han Solo. Please, I'm almost 70 years.
- Quiet, I think.


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